Thursday, September 30, 2010

Western Art - Stippling - Dotting Away to Colors

Stippling - The Concept
Stippling is an art of painting, distinguished by its technique, rather than style. It involves the application of paints in the form of dots, rather than being spread over the base. These works are often used to replicate the shading or the effects of a grayscale-digitized image. A grayscale, also known as black & white image, depicts designs or patterns by using the varying shades of gray pixels. Stippling is a close relative of the art of Pointillism, which also employs dots for execution. The key difference between the two techniques lies in the use of colors. While the specks of various colors are used to create color blends in Pointillism, same color pigment is used in Stippling.

The technique was the manual predecessor of Ben-Day Dots printing of the pulp fiction era and Halftone printing. Both of these automated processes are used to produce printed imagery constituted of dots. These dots can be quite small or visibly large in texture. In Stippling, dense clouds of dots are used to create dark shades and the sparsely scattered dots give the effects of lighter shades. The requisite knowledge about the spatial positioning of dots helps the artists create a remarkable outcome of this painstaking work. Optical illusion is the phenomenon behind the perception of eyes that helps them visualize the contrast and design of such works.

The Details
Stippling can be done on various bases, such as canvas, glass, or even a wall surface, among others. For printmaking, printing blocks with dot carvings are used. A selective application of ink is made on these dots to produce a desired design. The technique, when applied on walls, is a multi-stage process. First, a base coat of desired paint is applied on the wall. After the paint dries, a coat of glaze paint is used. Usually, glaze is prepared by diluting the paint in medium to such an extent that a translucent paint is prepared. A film of the thinned paint is applied on the wall. A specialized brush is used to touch on the wet glaze. The result is a shiny wall with small engravings on the surface, which is used for decorative purposes. On similar lines, Stippling on glass or other surfaces is done. However, it is more of a sculpting technique here, which is executed without any paints. The resulting engravings on the surface make it appear brighter and shinier than the untouched area.

Art is composed of many expressive disciplines. It refers to various human activities and artifacts, used to cover all aspects of skill or mastery. Art is an expression or communication of emotions and ideas, a means of exploring and appreciating formal elements. is a one-stop online information center on antiques & collectibles, brassware & brass handicrafts, diaries & calendars, handicrafts, incense & incensory, sculptures & paintings etc.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Art Gallery and Gift Shop Business

A business that includes a picture framing business, an art gallery and a gift shop is a business that has an excellent chance of succeeding. If the location is high traffic this will get potential customers to stop and go through the gallery. If your shop is located in a tourist area you may get an entirely different group to visit your store depending on the time of year.

The gift and framing business should give the store a constant cash flow and the gallery will help the bottom line each quarter. Pictures and art works are an individual like or dislike. What one person would find a must have item another could pass on without a second thought. This means in the gallery you will need to have some variety of art and pictures.

Two attributes are needed to be a successful gallery owner. You must be passionate about art and you must be a good businessman with really good people skills. Negotiating the sale of an expensive piece of art is not a take it or leave it type of sale. It takes some skill and a willingness to deal to make the sale happen.

Start a store, Buy a store, Buy into a Franchise

These are three of the ways to get started in this business. Starting from scratch is the least expensive in start up cost, but also the most difficult to make successful. Buying an existing store is wise for some people as there is already some cash flow and a customer base. Buying into a franchise may offer some advantages, but the buyer should really study the franchise offer and make sure they can live with any restrictions that are part of buying into the franchise.

All of these options have merits and a plus and minus check off system will let you understand better the difference between the ideas. The amount of money you have available for the startup or purchase will also be a determining factor on which way you go. Buying a successful shop that has a clientele is not a bad way to go and may offer the greatest chance of success. Also the current owner may be willing to finance part of the sale price.

A business broker could be of help in finding businesses that are for sale. They would probably be of help in locating potential properties that are up for purchase. They also may be able to give you some solid advice on how much to pay.

Where to find items to sell

Estate sales, eBay and the Internet offer items that could be purchased by a knowledgeable buyer. If you know what the market is looking for or are good at seeing a fad develop, you could find some bargains in these venues. There are many Internet companies that will offer you smaller items for the gift shop and for impulse type purchases. Unusual and visual are two of the prerequisites for items for your shop. People are attracted to the unusual and the more visual the item is the more likely the sale.

Another way to find items for sale is to build up a list of artists that are willing to let you represent their work. Meeting local art teachers and art groups may also let you find an artist before they become famous. Art and craft fairs and shows are another way to find items that could be sold in your shop.

Join any mailing list you can find for people in this business. The more information you have, the better you are able to stay up with what is happening.

Location is important

Location is always important in any retail business. If you wish to sell at the higher end of the art world you better plan on having a prestigious address. Tourist type shops can be on a retail street or in a shopping strip. Good traffic is the key to being successful. You need the walk-by traffic to get people in your shop. The casual shoppers can turn into a customer that spends some real money if your items catch their fancy. You never know who will pull out a credit card and buy the most expensive item in the shop.

Advertising the business

This unusual business lends itself to mail campaigns and e-mail notices. Local radio and TV may work, but you will need to try it on a small level first to see what kind of a response you get from your ads.

A current Internet site is a great way to push the new items in your store. You must have the capability to change your web pages yourself, as you need to make the changes. A stale website is never a good idea. It must be kept fresh.You may want to see what other shops do to gain business if you have some contacts in the business.


This business is different and can be a very interesting way to make money. Inventory turnover will keep people coming back to see what you are currently displaying. One-man shows and special types of art can also bring in the old and new customers. Finding a constant source of new items is the art of running a successful business. New ideas, art pieces and gift items are necessary to stay current in the business. This is the only way to get old customers to stop in and see you again. If your items are stale, the old customers will grow bored with seeing the same thing each time they stop.

New artist and new art pieces will always be a new experience for customers. If you are lucky enough to find an up and coming artist, your shop could become very busy if you are representing the artist. Unknowns can be valuable too, as customers always want to be the first to recognize a new talent.

The range of possibilities in this business is only contained by your imagination. This is the great part of this kind of a business. It is always changing and keeping your interest in what is going on in the creative world.

It posses an authentic directory of arts & crafts product catalogue, art & crafts product buyers, & sellers, Indian manufacturers & exporters of beautiful range of gifts & crafts deals in different types of assortments like key chains, handicrafts, crystals, paper crafts etc.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Holiday Gifts From the Heart: 15 Gift Ideas for You and Your Kids

We give gifts to family and friends to make them happy. Nothing will make them happier than a gift from the heart. These gift ideas are inexpensive and thoughtful. Get your kids involved because they like making people happy, too.

RAVE RECIPES. Write your best recipes - the ones relatives rave about - on recipe cards or type them on a computer. Put the cards in an inexpensive recipe box and typed recipes in a notebook. Tie measuring spoons, a miniature whisk, or rubber scraper to your gift with ribbon.

CHAFFEUR SERVICE. Loves ones and friends who don't have a car or no longer drive will appreciate your chaffeur service. Type or write a gift certificate for this service: Ask your kids to glue magazine pictures of cars to the certificate or draw car pictures with markers.

MIX IT UP. Busy family members and friends will appreciate cooking shortcuts: baking mixes, soup mixes, gravy and sauce packets, and so-called helper meals. Put these products in a large gift bag or basket purchased at a discount store.

FAMILY STORIES TAPE. Every family has funny and touching stories. Record some of these stories and give them to family members. Label the outside of the tape with the date and names of people who shared the stories. Add a pocket-sized tape recorder/player if you wish.

BEAUTIFUL BOOKMARK. Ask your kids or grandkids to draw pictures on heavy paper that has been pre-cut to bookmark size. You may decorate your own bookmarks with quotes that would have special meaning to your loved one or friend. Punch a hole in the top of each bookmark and tie on a ribbon or small tassel. This simple gift will be used again and again.

SPRING FEVER. Plant four bulbs in a clay pot. These bulbs can be narcissus, tulip, iris, etc. Have kids decorate the outside of the pot with permanent markers. (Make sure the room is well ventilated.) Put a clay saucer under the pot and stick a fabric bow (on a pick) into the soil. Include growing instructions with your gift.

JAR OF JOKES. This is a perfect gift for your children's friends. Wash a plastic peanut butter jar and lid in hot, soapy water and dry well. Type jokes from a joke book or jokes your kids have created on the computer. Print out one set of jokes for each gift you're giving. Cut the jokes apart, put them in a jar, and screw on the lid. Tie a bow onto the jar and instructions: Take one joke from this jar each day. This idea may be adapted to a Jar of Friendship or a Jar of Hope.

PHOTO MONTAGE. Gather photos that your family member would appreciate, such as photos of their pet, candid shots of kids and grandkids, photos of his or her favorite place, photos of flowers and trees. Insert these photos into a montage frame, available at discount stores.

MAGAZINE EXPRESS. Do you subscribe to an unusual magazine, such as a magazine about knitting, or building boats, or trips on freighter ships? Gather back issues of the magazine, tie them with a big red bow, and give them to your local library or nursing home.

A POSTCARD A DAY, DEAR. Do you know someone who is recovering from surgery, is home bound, or struggling with chronic illness? If so, this is the perfect gift for them. Buy a batch of postcards and send one to your friend each day. Your messages may be humorous, hopeful, personal news, or quotes.

COFFEE BREAK. Bake a batch of biscotti and put them in a wide-mouth jar. Put the jar in a gift bag and add ground or instant coffee, a measuring spoon, an inexpensive frother from Ikea, and chocolate covered coffee beans. You may also make a tea break gift.

WEEKLY PHONE CALL. Got a kid in college, a loved one across the country, or friends you see only once a year? Type or print a gift certificate for weekly phone calls from you. Decide on a convenient time for the calls when you give them your gift.

HOMEMADE FOOD OF THE MONTH. Give relatives and/or friends gift certificate for monthly food from your kitchen: bread, cookies, soup, casseroles - whatever you're good at and love to make. This gift from the heart will make them happy all year long. is a one-stop online information center on antiques & collectibles, brassware & brass handicrafts, diaries & calendars, handicrafts, incense & incensory, sculptures & paintings etc.It posses an authentic directory of arts & crafts product catalogue, art & crafts product buyers, & sellers, Indian manufacturers & exporters of beautiful range of gifts & crafts deals in different types of assortments like key chains, handicrafts, crystals, paper crafts etc.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The Art of Making Gift Baskets - 5 Ideas & Tips

To receive a gift basket is exciting because it connotes a sense of abundance. A gift basket that is overflowing with wonderful goodies can be consumed or used as the recipient pleases. Receiving one as a gift from someone we know and care about makes us feel a bit like a king or queen - or at least a pampered royal house guest!

If you have ever given a basket as a gift in the past you have likely noticed the profound effect that doing so can have on the recipients. Now, you may be considering making your own while in the comfort of your home and using your own materials.

To get your started on this exciting journey, here are 5 ideas and tips on the art of making gift baskets:

1. Keep on hand the right materials for any occasion:

Once you have made your first basket, you may very well get hooked. Soon, this could become your gift of choice for any occasion. In order to make the entire experience as economical as possible, it is wise to gather together the appropriate materials and tools to have on hand for whenever the basket-making urge arises.

At bare minimum, of course you will need baskets themselves (or basket-like items such as trays or attractive gift boxes). You will also want to have shredded paper, excelsior (i.e., shredded natural wood) or other attractive filler materials. Bonus items include small decorative ribbons and cellophane bags or cellophane wrapping material. Of course, make sure you have a good pair of scissors, as well as both single and double-sided clear tape.

2. To (add) food or not to (add) food - that is the question:

When preparing a particular new creation for a friend, loved one, or acquaintance, a key decision you need to make is whether the basket will be food-themed. The reason this is an important consideration is that depending upon how they are packaged, food items can be perishable. In addition, since people's food preferences and diets can be so particular, by giving food you may be risking that they will not be able to enjoy your gift as you would hope. On the other hand, a great food basket can be a masterful gift choice. So, choose wisely!

3. Picking the right theme is more than half the battle:

Each basket you create should have a particular theme. Of course, how you choose the theme will depend in part upon the likes and interests of the recipient. But, it will also be determined by your own creativity. Buy small gifts, goodies, toys, etc. for your basket that are in accordance with a theme.

4. Your basket should give the impression of abundance:

As you assemble your basket and start filling it with goodies, be sure to take care to use your filler materials in an expert way. The goal is that, no matter how many gifts and goodies your container has in it, the container should look like it is practically overflowing. This is the secret to creating that coveted sense of abundance that well-designed baskets exude.

5. The little touches are what make these gifts so great:

A final tip: make sure to focus on the little things. Of course, the theme and actual gifts themselves need to please and delight the senses. But, take care to add little touches like ribbons, accents, and other inexpensive goodies around the entire arrangement. These little details make good basket into a great one. is a one-stop online information center on antiques & collectibles, brassware & brass handicrafts, diaries & calendars, handicrafts, incense & incensory, sculptures & paintings etc. It posses an authentic directory of arts & crafts product catalogue, art & crafts product buyers, & sellers, Indian manufacturers & exporters of beautiful range of gifts & crafts deals in different types of assortments like key chains, handicrafts, crystals, paper crafts etc.